"Are we really in Japan?"
This is what you can walk only in Fukushima right now.
You can discover by walking what you can never watch on the media.
What has happened since that March 2011?
What has changed?
The current situation for recovery is changing every day, every month.
From the voice of nature, the voice of local people living on the surrounding area of Fukushima nuclear power plant, there are discoveries that we can never know from the press media.
Most of Fukushima Prefecture have experienced a significant decrease in radiation dose thanks to decontamination and natural depletion.
Generally, the total exposure dose received in Fukushima Prefecture during a stay of two days and one night is less than half (approximately 0.004 mSV) of one dental radiography (0.01 mSV).
The benefits of walking give you much stress relief and health promotion rather greater.
Inspection of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant site has been open to the general public.
A total of more than 25,000 observers have visited.
We want you to walk this area and feel something by each of your senses, before you become indifferent like "Because I can't help it" or "I'm feeling down" or "I can't see, hear, or say".
*We will walk in pedestrian area based on road traffic regulation, evacuation instruction area regulated by Fukushima prefecture government.
*We will measure the radiation dose from when we meet in Iwaki City, you can check the changes in the radiation dose yourself.
* Radiation dose varies depending on weather and location. The route we walk may be changed due to our checking the situation.
* The inspection of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS is subject to permission from TEPCO.
*Tax included.
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